Showing 55–60 of 104 results

  • Προσφορά! This book seeks to solve that problem, taking the reader step by step through the process of fabricating removable complete dentures from the very first appointment through impressions, delivery, and maintenance. Sections alternate between clinical and laboratory steps (color coded for quick reference), and technical aspects of denture making, such as master cast fabrication and baseplate and occlusal rim formation, are covered in detail for clinicians who choose to perform them in-house rather than outsourcing to a laboratory. With sections devoted to jaw and occlusion evaluation, how to determine the appropriate occlusal scheme, and more, the book seeks to empower clinicians to improve their patients’ quality of life. Focus is also given to delivery and subsequent adjustment, followed by maintenance of existing dentures and determining when a new denture is needed. From start to finish, this book supplies everything you need to provide functional and esthetic dentures for your patients.

    The Art of Complete Denture Therapy for the General Practitioner

    Prosthodontics / TMD / Occlusion Kevin D. Huff, Douglas Benting

    Συγγραφέας: Kevin D. Huff, Douglas Benting
    Σελίδες: 216
    Εικόνες: 451
    Έτος έκδοσης: 2022

    Original price was: €140,00.Current price is: €125,00.
  • Προσφορά! This book achieves the ambitious aim of showing dentists how to create conservative and esthetic direct restorations of posterior teeth using composite resin. The book begins with a primer on occlusal anatomy, describing the specifics of each type of posterior tooth. This foundation supports the diagnosis and treatment of lesions, isolation, and cavity preparation for the buildup, as well as modeling, detailing, and finishing of restorations that closely mimic natural tooth anatomy for optimal esthetics and function. Numerous clinical tips and case examples are provided, and the procedural rationale is supported by scientific evidence, in addition to the authors’ considerable clinical experience. Techniques for a wide range of clinical scenarios are presented to provide practitioners with the information they need to achieve optimal restorations.

    Posterior Direct Restorations

    ΞΕΝΟΓΛΩΣΣΕΣ ΕΚΔΟΣΕΙΣ Salvatore Scolavino, Gaetano Paolone

    Συγγραφέας: Salvatore Scolavino, Gaetano Paolone
    Σελίδες: 264
    Εικόνες: 1.642
    Έτος έκδοσης: 2021

    Original price was: €260,00.Current price is: €230,00.
  • Προσφορά! Embark on a journey into the intricate world of dental anatomy and morphology with the comprehensive textbook, "Dental Anatomy and Morphology." This essential resource provides a detailed exploration of the structure and form of teeth, enabling a deeper understanding of dental morphology. With clear illustrations and concise explanations, this book covers a wide range of topics including tooth development, occlusion, and variations in tooth morphology. Whether you're a dental student or a practicing dentist, this textbook is an invaluable reference for enhancing your knowledge and clinical skills. Stay informed with the latest insights in dental anatomy and morphology.

    Dental Anatomy and Morphology

    Prosthodontics / TMD / Occlusion Hilton Riquieri

    Συγγραφέας: Hilton Riquieri
    Σελίδες: 332
    Εικόνες: 1.507
    Έτος έκδοσης: 2019

    Original price was: €170,00.Current price is: €155,00.
  • Προσφορά! By combining clinical experience with peer-reviewed scientific evidence, the author of this book has put together a guide that any implant specialist will find invaluable to prevent bone loss in their patients. Different strategies are presented that can be used to achieve zero bone loss years after treatment. Because successful treatment depends on both the surgical and prosthetic components, the book is divided into two parts, each focusing in depth on what must be done in each phase to promote bone stability. Case presentations detail many types of clinical situations, implant choices, and prosthetic solutions, all backed by evidence-based clinical studies that have proven success.

    Zero Bone Loss Concepts

    Implantology Tomas Linkevicius

    Συγγραφέας: Tomas Linkevicius
    Σελίδες: 304
    Εικόνες: 1.231

    Original price was: €200,00.Current price is: €180,00.
  • Προσφορά! The new edition of this award-winning book offers a systemised and objective approach to clinical diagnosis and contemporary non-surgical management of the most common disorders seen in oral medicine. It places a strong emphasis on practical issues such as history taking, examination and differential diagnosis, when clinical investigations are indicated, and how to identify and describe oral lesions. Fully updated with six new chapters and new photographs and artworks, Oral and Maxillofacial Medicine 4e presents a straightforward, accessible but practical guide to the successful diagnosis and treatment of the most common and potentially serious disorders seen in oral medicine clinical practice. Maintaining a strong patient-centred approach throughout, the book also explores relevant systemic disorders and includes an updated but shortened recommended reading list. This clearly written book places a strong emphasis on practical issues and is beautifully illustrated with liberal use of tables, algorithms and clinical photographs.

    Scully’s Oral and Maxillofacial Medicine

    General Dentistry

    The Basis of Diagnosis and Treatment, 4th Edition

    The Basis of Diagnosis and Treatment, 4th Edition
    Stephen J. Challacombe, Barbara Carey

    Συγγραφέας: Stephen J. Challacombe, Barbara Carey
    Σελίδες: 433
    Έτος έκδοσης: 2023

    Original price was: €100,00.Current price is: €95,00.
  • Προσφορά! This new edition is the first to be released since orofacial pain was recognized as the 12th dental specialty by the American Dental Association. Although the structure resembles previous editions, significant changes have been made. The most recent International Classification of Diseases, Eleventh Edition (ICD-11) classification system is used throughout, featuring new diagnostic codes and tables mapping differences between ICD-10 and ICD-11. Other revisions are inclusion of cervical spinal disorders and associated headaches as well as extracranial and systemic causes of orofacial pain, greater emphasis on headache pathophysiology and updates to management including new pharmacologic agents, and sections on “newer trends” related to electronic cigarettes/vaping and the SARS-CoV-2 global pandemic. Out with the old, in with the new. This text delivers the evidence-based assessment, diagnosis, and management of orofacial pain conditions to keep you up to date about this emerging and expanding field.

    Orofacial Pain


    Guidelines for Assessment, Diagnosis, and Management

    Guidelines for Assessment, Diagnosis, and Management
    Gary D. Klasser, Marcela Romero Reyes

    Συγγραφέας: Gary D. Klasser, Marcela Romero Reyes
    Σελίδες: 368
    Έτος έκδοσης: 2023

    Original price was: €70,00.Current price is: €60,00.
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